public Linux • 2 min read NetworkManager Tools in Linux Check out this sample from the new Linux Networking - Basics and Beyond video course. In this excerpt, I show…
public Linux • 2 min read Using Netplan to set up a Static IP Configuration Here's a sample from the new Linux Networking - Basics and Beyond video course. In this excerpt, I…
public Linux • 5 min read Installing Security Updates ONLY in Linux Sometimes you don't want to install every update to your Linux system. Instead, you might desire only the…
public Linux • 8 min read How to Identify IP Hosts in Linux It's a common task—finding out the systems that are alive on a TCP/IP network. Quite often,…
public Linux • 1 min read Fedora 38 WS Install to KVM A quick post on how to install Fedora 38 Workstation. (It's so EASY!) In the video, I install…
public Deep Dives • 13 min read Deep Dive: The ip Command in Linux The ip command in Linux can be used to analyze, configure, and troubleshoot your system. It's a powerhouse! ⚡…
public Linux • 2 min read Linux Fun - Part 1 People are always asking about the fun tools I use in Linux. Let's start with three utilities: neofetch,…
public Linux • 2 min read Changing the Resolution and Font Type in Debian Server Problem: When you install Debian as a server, the initial resolution and font type leave something to be desired. Here&…
public Linux • 2 min read Debian 12 Install to 9-Year-Old Laptop And let me say that it runs great. Debian comes through again. This time, it's Bookworm - Debian…
public Deep Dives • 9 min read TCP/IP & Linux TCP/IP is the most commonly used communications protocol suite in the world. It powers the Internet, home networks, and…