Welcome to this newsletter from Prowse Tech. It's been a very busy month so far. I hope that you all are doing well.
Here's what's in store:
- Upcoming live streams!
- New article: Analysis with top in Linux.
- Featured post on KVM.
This one especially rings true for me today. I have several tasks that seem insurmountable. But when this happens, I try to go back to basics: Take it slow; break large projects into small nuggets; organize well; and try to infuse some fun. For those of you that are working on something in the tech world and it seems impossible, I say: "Don't quit!"
Upcoming Live Streams!
- On April 24th & 25th, I'll be running the popular Linux Networking & Security Fundamentals webinar. 10 am - 2 pm est. I'd love to "see" you there!

- On May 30th & 31st, it's Hashicorp Terraform Associate Exam Cram. This webinar focuses on how to use Terraform, and how to study for the exam. It's a fantastic addition to your resume.

For some tips on how to prepare for these webinars, see this link.
Analysis with top in Linux
Here's an article and video that show how to analyze system performance and work with processes using the top program. top is a well-known analysis program in Linux and it has served me well over the years. Enjoy!

KVM Installation and Fundamentals
I can't tell you how important KVM is to my work. Here is an article and video that demonstrate how to install KVM and some fundamental theory about the program. If you aren't using KVM and you work in the tech field, I strongly suggest you learn about it!

The theme of this newsletter is perseverance. Here's another quote, and a good mantra:
That's well-received wisdom. Got me thinking, when have I been in this situation, and what became of it? ask the same question of yourself. It can be a good learning exercise.
Well, that's it for this newsletter. Enit's worthy of a channel on my Discord server. Tell us about a difficult goal you accomplished in the tech world. Motivational stories abound! I'll start the first one.
Link here: https://discord.gg/hDqtf9TzJ4
joy your day!
Dave Prowse