Oct 14, 2024 • 2 min read

FreeIPA Server Install and Client/User Connection

FreeIPA Server Install and Client/User Connection

FreeIPA is a fully-featured directory services system for Linux. It allows you to create a centralized domain and build member users, computers, and more. It is similar to a Microsoft domain but uses all open source and free software. Indeed!

Imagine the possibilities! Do you want to centralize your user accounts? Allow for connectivity and tracking of computer clients? Set up centralized storage, profiles, etc...? That's the concept, and doing it all - without Microsoft.

FreeIPA is the original name for the software as given to it by the makers of Fedora. However, downstream versions of the software will have different names.

OS Version Software Name
Fedora FreeIPA
Red Hat Red Hat Identity Management
CentOS CentOS Identity Management

In the video below we will be installing to CentOS, but the software behaves in the same manner on any of the three in the table. Keep in mind that this software is not designed for Ubuntu/Debian or Arch.


To learn more about FreeIPA see the link below:

FreeIPA - Identity, Policy, Audit — FreeIPA documentation

And check out my video courses on O'Reilly:

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