public Exam-Taking Techniques • 4 min read Exam-Taking Techniques #7 - Use the Process of Elimination If you are unsure about an answer, use POE!…
public Exam-Taking Techniques • 3 min read Exam-Taking Techniques #6 - Take Small "Zen" Breaks Zen? That's correct. Meditation and self-control.…
public Exam-Taking Techniques • 5 min read Exam-Taking Techniques #5 - BE CONFIDENT! "In my opinion, confidence is the most important element of success."…
public Exam-Taking Techniques • 2 min read Exam-Taking Techniques #4 - Show up Early! 🕐Be on time, right? Sure, but go that extra mile... Show up early! Here's the plan: Be present…
public Exam-Taking Techniques • 6 min read Exam-Taking Techniques #3 - Prepare your Testing Area 🗒️This article is for those of you who are taking an exam from home. It's so important to…
public Exam-Taking Techniques • 3 min read Exam-Taking Techniques #2 - Take Care of Yourself Take care of your body and mind; the day before and the day of.…
public Exam-Taking Techniques • 5 min read Exam-Taking Techniques - #1: Pick a Good Time for the Exam Imagine yourself sitting an exam, clicking on the "End Exam" button, and receiving a passing grade! That's the goal of this series of posts.…